Amy Caramante and I singing 'Baby its cold outside'
Last night's "Holly Daze" show was truly epic, and it never would have been so without my amazing, beautiful, talented friends. My monthly horoscope said I would find true love last night, and I did. I fell in love with friends.. all over again. Coincidentally, last night was also winter solstice, and the first day of Hannukah, such a special night. I want to thank Raimy Rosenduft for hosting and Marques Toliver for sticking around an extra day (it really wouldn't be the same without you). Marques Toliver, Timmy Mislock (Abandoned Lighthouse , Natalia Zukerman, Midnight Masses, Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson, Marisol and Eugene (of Scott Matthews band) all stopped by to play music. The one and only Amy Caramente and I sang a classic rendition of 'Baby its cold outside' and even my lawyer Janis got up and played violin on Leonard Cohen's 'Famous blue rain coat' with me.
I played a solo set with a new line up including Johnny Cragg of "Spacehog" and Patrick of "Krou" OH! and Then later after most everyone had left Matthew Caws (Nada Surf) was finally able to make it over and we set the mics back up and played a few more songs for the patrons still sipping whiskey with us. I made a new friend when Aine Duffy played the final song of the night, wow what a voice.
I am immensely grateful to everyone.
more photos from Megan Ghiroli on Flickr
I am truly blessed. Happy Holly Daze to all and to all a goodnight.
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